You Can Make A Difference
Making a donation is easy! Just click on the donate button to make a secure one-time donation, or select “monthly” to give throughout the year.
Make a gift in honor or memory of someone!
This is a great gift in honor of someone’s birthday, for Christmas, or in memory of someone who has passed.
Checks should be mailed to: P.O. Box 446 Crimora, VA 24431, with a note including the name of the person it is given in honor or memory of.
For online donations, email us at to let us know you have made a donation in someone’s honor or memory.
Join Our Sparks of LIGHT program
Our Sparks of LIGHT program is for businesses or individuals who want to donate on a monthly basis with a commitment time of at least one year. Businesses might want to consider how they might designate a day or an item to help them raise that money. We have unlimited ideas!
If you are interested in this program please contact us at or 540-471-1659. Checks can be mailed to: P.O. Box 446 Crimora, VA 24431